Saturday, September 25, 2010

Got to love OJ and maybe sophomore year.....

Well for starters, I LOVE ME SOME ORANGE JUICE!!. Orange juice probably has to be my favorite drink in the whole world. A couple of weekends ago i was at a friends house and they had a gallon of orange juice there. We were all sitting out around the fire in their backyard drinking orange juice and milk. after about my third glass i just fell over out of my swing and started busting out laughing. Then i got up and almost feel into the fire. Then i proceeded to run around the yard saying pretty colors. Lets just say.. me + O.J = one good time.

Aside from the orange juice lol, Sophomore year has been pretty good. Ive made a few new friends but I'm basically still hanging out with the old ones. Classes are no where near easy but I'm finally starting to get used to each teachers different teaching style. I usually spend my first hour working on computer projects or looking at future colleges and universities.

Second hour is probably one of my most difficult classes its Earth Space and mainly cause i don't get one speck of science. Third hour is probably the most fun and easiest for me. Its world history, we basically take notes, make crossword puzzles, maps, watch movies and take tests. Pretty much my dream class. Then lunch we have a table at the end of the caf.where we somehow manage to get all 8 of us to fit plus our lunch trays.

Next we are off to fourth hour which is Spanish which surprisingly is becoming an easier class to me we have a new teacher this year and nobody seemed to lyk her till about week 3 then all of the sudden Spanish was fun again and for once i think i actually new what i was saying. Following that we have Geometry. Geometry would deff. be my hardest class, im not really good at math and sometimes I get to where i think i have it right then i get my test back and i did it all wrong.

Finally we come to the end of the day which is english. English typically comes pretty easy to me as long as your not gonna grade my spelling. Homeroom is the best thing eva! Lol my homeroom is CCTV which is basically the "news" of clay city. I have been anchore at least 4 times in the past three weeks and ive been sound once and powerpoint once. I think i like anchoreing the best, but i think sound is the least never racking lol u just need to be able to work an ipod and a vcr at the same time, and yes i said vcr cause my school cant use any real modern technology.

Well hope you all are havin a fliptastic day! byez! ~<3>


T said...

I enjoyed reading about your year. I think if you're not careful, I'm gonna start calling you OJ! :)

Classic Girl said...

Oh my friend... OJ makes you crazy. AND I LOVE IT. We have to do that again lol.