Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ok so its Tuesday..imagine if you will and 13 almost fourteen year old girl in a really good mood saying Tuesday, Tuesday Tuesday! over and over again. Well if you did you can see what i am doing. Its Tuesday and my two fav. shows are on tonight in case you didn't know that would be (American Idol and NCIS). I cant wait to see if NCIS has a spin off , and who will go home on American idol..don't tell my mom..but i think its gonna be Danny. :( I like him alot..but not as much as Adam and Alison, and i could see Chris kicking Danny's butt. But will have to see. (I can not wait till 8 o'clock. :)

Btw the pic on the left is of the American idol people and the ones without x's on there heads are still on the show..everyone else has gone home. (order for top left to bottom right) Adam, Alison, Danny and Chris.

Oh and the other pic is of NCIS except for the one with the Xs over her head..shes dead.

1 comment:

Ordinary Girl said...

i had a little to much fun drawing x's on there heads. :)