Friday, March 2, 2007

my turn

each year the 6th graders at our school get to do a play. This year i went to tryout. My teacher said that i had amazing talent in front of the entire 6th grade. After that I had trouble talking to people. for some reason they wouldn't talk to me. I felt so fare away. I understand that they wear realy mad at me but my one of my friends wouldn't talk to me and she told me it was because she was jealous. Last year she talked to me even thought I got stuco and she didn't. my other friend was still upset but she still talked to me witch I am thankful for any way got to go bye.


T said...

I'm proud of you and how well you did--with our without a part. KUDOS to you.

The silly thing is, they don't even know who got what parts yet. N may not even have one! Oh well, her friend must have gotten over it by now because N's going to her church with her tomorrow! Jr. High girls...yippee! :)

shakedust said...

Yippee indeed. Junior high isn't always easy.

Don't let petty friends keep you from doing your best.

Ordinary Girl said...

Yeah well it isnt so easy seacaly when you go to the school on monday and she wont talk to you.

GoldenSunrise said...

I've experienced the same thing N. I tried to act like it didn't bother me that she wouldn't talk to me. Go talk to someone else and enjoy yourself!

Ordinary Girl said...

Its all better now.